Concepts Of God In Different Major Religions..


Concept Of GOD in The Major
Different Religions



Before we discuss ‘the concept of God in Christianity’, I would like to make a few points clear. Islam is the only Non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (peace be upon him). No Muslim, is ‘a Muslim’ if he does not believe in Jesus (peace be upon him). We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of Allah Subhana Wa Taalah - of Almighty God. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission. We believe that he healed those born blind,and lepers with God’s permission. The Christians and Muslims, we are going together hand in hand, but there are parting of ways. There are many Christians who say that ‘Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), he was Almighty God, he himself claimed Divinity’. Infact, if you read the Bible, there is not a single uneqvivocable statement in the whole Bible, where Jesus (peace be upon him) himself says, that ‘I am God’, or where he says ‘Worship me’. I would like to repeat that statement that there is not a single uneqvivocable statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus (peace be upon him) himself says that…‘I am God’ or, where he says… ‘Worship me’. Infact if you read the Bible it is mentioned in the Gospel of John, Ch.No. 14, V.No.28, Jesus (peace be upon him) said – ‘My Father is greater than I’ In the Gospel of John, Ch. No.10, V.No. 29 ‘My father is greater than all’. In the Gospel of Mathew Ch.No.12 V.No.28 “I cast out devil with Sprit of God’. Gospel of Luke, Ch. No. 11 V.No.20 “I with the finger of God, cast out devils’. Gospel of John, Ch.No.5 V.No.30 ‘I can of my own self do nothing - as I hear I judge, and my judgement is just, because I seek not my will, but the will of thy Father, who has sent me’. He never claimed Divinity. Infact he came to testify the pervious law. And he mentions in the Gospel of Mathew Ch.5 V.17 to Verse No. 20, ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the law and the Prophets -I am come not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till the heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall not pass away from the law, untill all be fulfilled. And whosoever therefore, shall break one of the least commandments and teach men to do so, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whosoever shall keep them, and teach them so, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For verily, unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and the Pharasees, in no way shall you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) said, ‘that If you people want to enter Heaven, you have to keep each and every commandment of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). You have to follow each and every law given in the Old Testament, including the verses I quoted earlier that ‘there is one God, and you should not do idol worship, you should not make any graven image of Him’. Jesus (peace be upon him), he never said that he was God. Infact he said ‘He was sent by God. He was a Prophet of God’. It is mentioned in the Gospel of John, Ch.No.14, V.No.24, ‘The words that you hear, are not mine, but it is my Father’s, who has sent me’. Gospel of John, Ch.No. 17, V.No.3 ‘This is eternal life, so that you may know there is one true God, and Jesus Christ, who Thou has sent’. And it is mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew, Ch.No.19, V.No.16 and 17, that one of the persons approaches Jesus (pbuh), and says ‘Good Master, what good things shall I do, that I shall attain eternal life’. Jesus (peace be upon him) replies in V.No.17 of Gospel of Mathew, Ch.No.19 – ‘And Jesus said upto him, ‘Why thou callest me good? For there is none good, except One, that is God - And if you want to enter life, keep the commandments’. Jesus (peace be upon him) never said that if you want to go to heaven, you consider me as Almighty God. He never said that you believe that I will die for your sins – In fact he said,‘You keep the commandments’. It is further mentioned in the book of Acts, Ch.No. 2 V.No.22 “O men of Israel, hear this, Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God, amongst you, by miracles, and wonders and signs, which God did by him, in your presence, and you were witness’. It says, ‘Jesus of Nazareth a man approved by God, by miracles and wonders, which God did by him’. And when Jesus (peace be upon him) was asked, that ‘which is the first of the commandments’? he repeated verbitem what was said earlier by Moses (peace be upon him). It is mentioned in the Gospel of Mark, Ch. No. 12, V.No. 29, he said ‘Shama Israelo, Ada Ilahaino Ada Ihad’ It is a Hebrew quotation which means, ‘Hear Oh Israel, the Lord our God, is in one lord’. So if you read the Bible, you will understand the concept of God,in Christianity. It reminds me of an incident where Maulana Rahmatullah Karanvi - he was having a discussion with a Christian missionary, who was trying to prove to Maulana Shahib that ‘Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) is God Almighty, and that Jesus (peace be upon him) died for the sins of human beings’. After a great deal of time, without any results, the discussion was continued. Later on, the servant of Maulana Shahib, he comes and whispers something in the Maulana’s ears. The Maulana’s face becomes sad - he starts crying. The Christian missionary asks, ‘Maulana Shahib, ‘what is the bad news?’. The Maulana Shahib said in a very sad tone, ‘My servant, he just gave me information, - he brought news, that Arch Angel Gabriel - he died’. The Christian missionary began to laugh loudly. ‘Maulana Shahib, you being such an intelligent person, how can you believe in such absurd things - Can Angels die?’ The Maulana Shahib said, ‘When God can die, why can’t Angels die?’ And the Christian missionary, without speaking a single word, he left – It is a battle of wits.



First we will discuss the Aryan Religion. Hinduism is the most popular of all the Aryan religions. And if you ask a common Hindu, that… How many gods does he believe in? Some may say 3, some may say 33, some may say a 1000, while the others may say, 33 crores, 330 million. But if you ask, a Hindu learned man, who knows his Religious Scriptures, he will tell you that a Hindu should actually believe, only in God. The major difference between the common Hindu and the Muslim is that, the common Hindu believes in a Philosophy known as ‘Pantheism’ - that is, everything is god. The tree is god, the sun is god, the moon is god, the snake is god, the monkey is god, the human beings are god. The Muslim believes that everything is God’s - GOD with an Apostofy ‘S’, everything belongs to God. The tree belongs to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon belongs to God, the snake belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the human beings belong to God. So the major difference between the common Hindu and the Muslim, is the Apostofy ‘S’.The Hindus say, everything is God, and we Muslims say everything is God’s - God with a Apostofy ‘S’. If we can solve this difference of Apostofy ‘S’, the Hindus and the Muslims will be united. How do you do it? As the Qur’an says… (Arabic)….. ‘That come to common terms as between us and you’. Which is the first term? (Arabic)…‘that we worship none but Allah’, (Arabic)… ‘that we associate no partners with Him’. So let us analyze the concept of God in Hinduisum, by analyzing their Religious Scriptures. The most popular amongst all the Hindu Religious Scriptures, is the ‘Bhagwat Geeta’. This is a copy of Bhagwat Geeta - In the IRF we have Alhamdulillah, more than 30 different translations only of Bhagwat Geeta. The Bhagwat Geeta says in Ch. No. 7, V. No.20 ‘That those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship the demi gods’ - That means the materialistic people, they worship demi gods - That means not the true Almighty God. The Upanishads are the other Sacred Scriptures of the Hindus. It is mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad, Ch.No. 6, Section No. 2, Verse No.1.‘God is one only… ‘Akam Avidetuim’… not a second’ That means - There is only God, He doesn’t have any partner, He is alone. Same as the Holy Qur’an which is mentioned in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. No. 112, V. No.1, (Arabic)… ‘Say He is Allah, one and only’. It is mentioned in the Sweta Sutara Upanishad, Ch. No. 6, Verse No.9, ‘Na Kasia Kasji Janita Nakadipa’, which means….‘Of Him there is no parents, nor Lord’ He has got no parents, He has got no masters - That means, He alone is sufficient, He is not dependent on anyone else. As the Holy Qur’an says in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. No.112, V. No.3, (Arabic)…‘He begets not nor is He begotten’ The quotation I gave from ‘Upanishads’, was translated by S. Radha Krishnan, and we have other translations also in our foundation. Further, if you read in the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, V. No. 19, it says …‘Natastiya Pratima Asti’ ‘There is no likeness of Him’.

‘God is one only… ‘Akam Avidetuim’… not a second’ That means - There is only God, He doesn’t have any partner, He is alone. Same as the Holy Qur’an which is mentioned in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. No. 112, V. No.1, (Arabic)… ‘Say He is Allah, one and only’. It is mentioned in the Sweta Sutara Upanishad, Ch. No. 6, Verse No.9, ‘Na Kasia Kasji Janita Nakadipa’, which means….‘Of Him there is no parents, nor Lord’ He has got no parents, He has got no masters - That means, He alone is sufficient, He is not dependent on anyone else. As the Holy Qur’an says in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. No.112, V. No.3, (Arabic)…‘He begets not nor is He begotten’ The quotation I gave from ‘Upanishads’, was translated by S. Radha Krishnan, and we have other translations also in our foundation. Further, if you read in the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, V. No. 19, it says …‘Natastiya Pratima Asti’ ‘There is no likeness of Him’. And verse continues and says that ‘He is unborn, and He should be worshipped’. It is mentioned in the Yasjurved, Ch. No. 40, V. No.8 that ‘God in bodyless and Pure’. It is mentioned in the Ajurved, Ch.No. 40, V.No.9,… ‘Andasma Pravishanti Ya Sambaiti Upaste’, which means – ‘They are entering darkness those who worship the Asambuti’. The ‘Asambuti’ are the natural things like air, water, fire. And the verse continues…“they are sinking more in darkness, those who worship the ‘Sambuti’ ”. The ‘Sambuti’ are the ‘created things’. The quotation I gave of Ajurved, was by Devichand as well as by Ralfh.T. Grefith. The other Veda is the ‘Atharvaved’. It is mentioned in Atharveda, Book No. 20, Ch. No. 58, Verse No. 3 - It says ‘Dev Maha Osi’… ‘God is verily great’. Same as ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ - Allah is the Greatest. Amongst all the Vedas the most sacred and the oldest, is the Rigveda. It is mentioned in the Rigved, Book. No. 1, Hymn No. 164, Verse No. 46…‘Sages call one God by many names’.

That means, there are various names given to this one God, and the Rigved alone gives no less than 33 different attributes to Almighty God - most of which are mentioned in Rigved, Book. 2, Hymn No. 1. And one of the beautiful attribute which is mentioned on Rigved of the Almighty God is ‘Brahama’, which is mentioned in Rigved, Book No. 2, Hymn No.1, Verse No.3. ‘Brahama’ means, ‘The Creator’. If you translate into Arabic, it means ‘Khalique’. We Muslims have got no objection if anyone calls Almighty God, Allah Subhana Wa Taala as ‘Khalique’, or ‘Creator’ or ‘Brahama’.But if someone says that ‘Brahama’ is Almighty God, who has got four heads, and on each head is a crown and he has got four arms, we Muslim take strong objection to it. Moreover, it is even prohibited in the Ajurved, Ch. No. 32, Verse No. 3, which says… ‘Natastya Pratima Asti’- There is no image of Him. Another beautiful attribute, which is given in the Rigved, Book No. 2, Hymn No.1, Verse No. 3, is ‘Vishnu’. ‘Vishnu’ means ‘The Sustainer’. If you translate into Arabic, it means ‘Rab’. We Muslim have got no objection of someone calls Almighty God as ‘Rab’ or ‘Cherisher’, ‘Sustainer’ or ‘Vishnu’. But if someone says that ‘Vishnu’ is Almighty God,who has got 4 hands, and one of his right hand holds the ‘Chakra’ that is the diskettes, and one of his left hand holds the conch and he is riding on a bird, or reclining on a couch of snakes, we Muslims take strong objection to it. You are going against the Ajurved, Ch. No. 40, V.No.8, which says

‘God is bodyless’- as well as Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, Verse No. 19, of Sweta Satra Upanishad, which says: ‘Natastya Pratima Asti’…‘There is no likeness of Him’. It is mentioned in the Rigveda Book. No. 8, Hymn No. 1, Verse No. 1 ‘Maach dangadi Samshata’ - that means… ‘Do not worship anyone besides Him alone - Praise Him alone’. It is mentioned in the Rigved, Book No. 5, Ch. No. 81, Verse No. 1, - it says ‘Verily great is the glory of the Divine Creator’ Same as Surah Fatihah, Ch.No. 1, V.No.2…‘Alhamdulillah hi Rab ul Alameen’…‘Praise be to Allah (swt) the Lord of the worlds’. It is further mentioned in Rigved, Book No. 3, Hymn No. 34, Verse No.1, - it says that… ‘He is the Bountiest Giver’. It is further mentioned in the Ajurved, Ch.No.40, V.No. 16 - It says that… ‘Lead us to the good path, and save us from the sin which makes us wander and go astray’. Similar to the verse Holy Qur’an of Surah Fathiha Ch. No.1, Verse No.6 and 7, (Arabic…..)That…‘Show us the straight path, the path of those who have earned thine favour, And the path of those who go not astray’ It is mentioned in Rigved Book, No. 6, Hymn No. 45, Verse No. 16… ‘Ya ekt it mustihi’ - ‘Praise Him who is Matchless and Alone’. The quotation I gave from the RigVed was by Satya Prakash Narayan and Satyakam Vidyalankar, as well as by Ralph.T.Grifith, Vol. I and Vol. II. We have various translations of Religious Scriptures of various Religions. So whatever quotations we give, if any one wants to verify that the speaker is pulling a fast one, they are most welcome to come to our foundation and take a Photostat copy.And all these translations which I gave to you is not done by Muslims – It is done by the people who follow that religion, as well as by Orientalists. The ‘Brahma Sutra’ of Hinduism, of the Vedanta - the main cream is, ‘Akkum Braham Dusta Nastim - Niya nastim Kincham’ ‘Bagwan Ek hi hai, dhusra nahi hai, nahi hai, nahi hai, zara bhi nahi hai’. There is only one God, not a second one, not at all, not all, not in the least bit. So if you read the Hindu Scriptures, you will understand the concept of God, in Hinduism.



Lets discuss – ‘The Concept of Almighty God in Islam’. The best answer that any one can give you, regarding ‘the Concept of Almighty God in Islam’, is quote to you the Surah of the Holy Qur’an, Surah Ikhlas, Ch.No. 112, V.No. 1 to 4, which says… (Arabic)…. ‘Say He is Allah, One and only’. (Arabic)… ‘Allah the Absolute and Eternal’. ‘As-Samad’ is a bit difficult to translate - It means, that ‘He exists’, and ‘He has created things, when nothing existed’. Everything and every person is dependent on Him, but he is not dependent on any person, or anything. ‘As Samad’ – ‘The Absolute and Eternal’ (Arabic….) ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten’,(Arabic….) ‘There is nothing like Him’. This is a four line definition of Allah Subhana Wa Talaah, which is the touch stone of Theology - Surah Iklas, is the touch stone of Theology. ‘Theo’ in greek means God – ‘Logy’ mean study. ‘Theology’ means study of God. Surah Ikhlas is the touchstone of Theology. If anyone wants to purchase or sell any of their gold jeweleries, first they will evaluate their gold jewellery - And for that, they will go to a goldsmith.And the goldsmith, he takes your gold jewelry and he rubs it against a touchstone. And he compares the colour with samples of gold which he has rubbed at the side, and then tells you, whether its 24 Karat gold, whether its 22 Karat gold,or whether it is not gold at all - It may be fake gold, because all that glitters is not gold. Surah Ikhlas is the touchstone of Theology – It is a four line definition, if you apply to any candidate, who says that ‘He is Almighty God’, and if he fits in this definition, we Muslims have got no objection, in accepting that candidate as Almighty God. It is a touchstone – It is the acid test to decipher, whether the person that anyone claims - whether he is Almighty God or not – It is the acid test – It is the touchstone - Four line definition. Arabic…. ‘Say He is Allah One and Only’. Arabic…. ‘Allah the Absolute and Eternal’. Arabic….. ‘He begets not nor is He begotten’. Arabic…. ‘There is nothing like Him’. It is a four line definition - Anyone claiming to be Almighty God - if that candidate fits in this four line definition, we Muslims have got no objection in accepting that candidate as Almighty God. For example, some people say, that Bhagwaan Rajnesh, Osho Rajnesh - he is Almighty God. I would like to make it very clear, I said – ‘Some people say Bhagwan Rajneesh is God - Not Hindus say Bhagwaan Rajneesh is God’. Because once during question answer time, there was a Hindu gentlemen, who came and told me that we Hindus don’t believe in Bhagwaan Rajneesh, as God. I have read the Hindu Scriptures - I know that the Hindu Scriptures don’t call Bhagwaan Rajneesh as God. I said ‘Some people call him God’ - and Rajnesh has got followers from various different Religions. Lets put him to test of the touchstone of Theology - Surah Ikhlaas. The first is, Arabic…. ‘Say He is Allah One and Only’. Is Rajneesh one and only? We know that there we have several such fake godmen - especially in our country India. He is not one and only. But there may be some people who are diciples of Rajneesh and say ‘No.. No... Rajneesh is one and only’. Okay, lets go to the second test – (Arabic)…. ‘Allah, the Absolute and Eternal’. Is Rajneesh Absolute and Eternal? We know from his biography, that he was suffering from Diabetics, from Ashthama, from Chronic backache. And he alleged that the American government, they gave him slow poisoning - Imagine, God being poisoned. The third test is ‘Arabic…. ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten’. We know that Rajneesh had parents - He had a mother and father. He was born in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, in India. But he was a very intelligent person - Later on, his parents became his own diciples. And in the year 1981, Rajneesh - he goes to America and in Oregon, he establishes his own town and calls it ‘Rajneeshpuram’ - He took America for a ride. Later on the American government, they arrested him and put him in jail, and later on kicked him out the country. In 1985 when he was kicked out from America, he comes back to India, and in Poona,he starts ‘Rajneesh Neo Sanyaas Commune’,. which later on he called it as ‘Osho Commune’. And when you go to Poona in the ‘Osho Commune’, its mentioned on his tomb stone – ‘Osho - , never born, never died, but visited the Earth, from the eleventh of December 1931, to the nineteenth of January 1990’. They forgot to mention, that he was not given visas to 21 different countries - Imagine Almighty God visiting the Earth and he requires visas. And the Archbishop of Greece said that ‘if you don’t deport Rajneesh, we will burn his house, and the house of his disciples. And the last test … (Arabic)…It is so stringent - its impossible for anyone besides Allah Subhana Wa Taala, the true Almighty God, to pass. It says ‘There is nothing like Him’. The moment you can imagine, the moment you can draw a mental picture what God is, - he is not God. We know that Rajneesh, he was a human being like you and me. He had one head, two hands, two legs, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, long flowing beard, long hair - So surely, he can’t be Almighty God. Arabic…. ‘There is nothing like Him’. And this test – (Arabic)….is so stringent, that no one besides Allah Subhana Wa Taala, can pass.Suppose someone says that Arnold Swarzneggar - You know Arnold Swarzneggar? - The person who is known as the strongest man in the world - He was given the title – ‘Mr. Universe’. If suppose, someone says that ‘Almighty God is a thousand times as strong as Arnold Swarzeneggar’. The moment you can compare God to anyone, whether it be Arnold Swarzeneggar, whether it be Dara Singh or King Kong, - whether it be a thousand times or a million times,- the moment you can compare Almighty God to anyone, he is not Almighty God. Arabic… ‘There is nothing like Him’. This is a four line definition given in the Holy Qur’an – ‘Surah Ikhlas’, which is the touchstone of Theology. We Muslims, we prefer calling Allah Subhana Wa Taala, by the Arabic name ‘Allah’, instead of the English word ‘God’ - because, the Arabic word ‘Allah’ it is pure, Its unique. Where as the English word ‘God’, it can be played around with, You can play around with that word. If you add a ‘s’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘Gods’ - plural of God. There is nothing ‘Plural Allah’, in Islam. Arabic… ‘Say: He is Allah, One and Only.If you add a ‘dess’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘goddess’ - a female God. There is nothing like ‘Male Allah’, or ‘Female Allah’, in Islam. Allah is Unique, - He has got no gender. If you add a ‘father’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘Godfather’ - He’s my Godfather - he’s my Guardian. There is nothing like ‘Allah Father’ in Islam, or ‘Allah Abba’ in Islam. If you add a ‘Mother’ to God, it becomes ‘Godmother’. There is nothing like ‘Allah Mother’ or ‘Allah Ammi’ in Islam. Allah is a Unique word - It’s a pure word. If you prefix a ‘tin’ before ‘God’, it becomes ‘tin God’. There is nothing like ‘Tin Allah’ in Islam. That’s the reason we Muslims, we prefer calling Allah Subhana Wa Taala by the Arabic word, ‘Allah’ instead of the English word ‘God’.But if some Muslims, - if they use this word whilst speaking to Non – Muslims, I have got no objections, because Non - Muslims may not know what’s the concept of ‘Allah’. So if any one uses ‘God’ for ‘Allah’, I’ve got no objection - But the more appropriate word is ‘Allah’. Otherwise, the Holy Qu’ran says in Surah Isra, Ch. no. 17, Verse No. 110… (Arabic)…‘Say: call upon him by Allah or by Rahmaan - By whichever name you call upon Him, it is well - To him belongs the most beautiful names. You can call Allah Subhana Wa Taala by any name - But it should be a beautiful name - It should not conjure up a mental picture. And there are no less than 99 different attributes given of Allah Subhana Wa Taala, in the Holy Qu’ran - No less than 99 different attributes of Allah Subhana Wa Taala are given in the Holy Qur’an.For example ‘Ar-Rahmaan’, ‘Ar-Raheem’, ‘Al-Karrem’, - ‘Most Gracious’, ‘Most Merciful’, ‘Most Benevolent’. He is called as ‘Rabb’, as ‘Raziq’, as ‘Lord’, ‘Cherisher’, ‘Sustainer’, ‘Provider’ - No less than 99 different attributes are given in the Holy Qu’ran for Allah Subhana Wa Taala. And the same message is repeated besides Surah Isra, Ch. No. 17, Verse no. 110, it is also mentioned in Surah Taha, Ch.No. 20, V. No. 8, in Surah Araf, Ch. No. 7, Verse No. 180 as well as in Surah Hashr Ch.No. 59, V. No. 24, which says ‘To Allah belongs the most beautiful names’. But whatever attribute you give to ‘Allah Subhana Wa Taala’ - to ‘Almighty God’, it should be a Unique attribute - It should only refer to Him and to no one else. And if we reverse the order, it should yet point out to Allah Subhana Wa Taala. For example, I am 5 feet 11 inches tall, I wear spectacles, I live in Bombay. If someone says that ‘Dr. Zakir Naik, is 5 feet 11 inches tall’ - It’s a correct characteristic. But if we reverse it,… ‘Who is 5 feet 11 inches tall?’- you will find more than a 1000 people, who are 5 feet 11 inches tall .It doesn’t point specifically to me - Its not unique.If you say Dr. Zakir Naik wears spectacles, its correct, but its not unique. Because if you reverse it, ‘who wear spectacles’? - there will be more than a thousand people who wears spectacles’. If some one says ‘Dr. Zakir Naik lives in Bombay, - he is right, but its not unique. ‘Who lives in Bombay?’ - More than a million people live in Bombay. So the attribute that you give should be unique. For example, if some one says that ‘Dr. Zakir Naik is the father of Fariq Zakir Naik, who was born on the 10th of July 1994, in Jahangir nursing home, in Poona’ - that’s a unique attribute. Because if we reverse it, ‘Who is the father of Fariq Zakir Naik, born on the 10th of July 1994, in Jahangir nursing home in Poona, the answer in only one - Dr. Zakir Naik - No one else. It’s a unique attribute - It points out to only one but one person. Similarly, let me give you another example - ‘that Dr. Zakir Naik is the founder Chairman of IRF Educational Trust, which was established on the 6th of November 1992 in Dongri, Mumbai’. If we reverse it, ‘Who is the founder Chairman of IRF Educational Trust, which was established on 6th of November 1992 in Dongri, Mumbai’ - the answer in only one - Dr. Zakir Naik. Similarly, if you call ‘Allah Subhanawataala’ by any attribute, by any name - it should be Unique. You can’t say Allah Subhanawataala is the ‘Creator of a building’, because even many builders can build buildings. You can call Him ‘the Creator of the Universe’ ‘Khaliq’,‘the Creator’. Who is the ‘Creator?’ - Only one - Who is the ‘Ultimate Creator of the Universe?’ - Only one - Allah Subhana Wa Taala. ‘Ar Rahmaan’ - ‘Who is the Most Gracious’ - the answer is Only One - Allah Subhana Wa Taala. ‘Ar-Raheem’ – ‘Who is the Most Merciful?’ - The answer is Only One - Allah Subhana Wa Taala - So it should be a Unique attribute. The example I gave of myself was Unique - but was nothing great. Being the founder Chairman of IRF educational trust is nothing great - Its unique, fine - Its nothing great. But Allah Subhana Wa Taala, besides the attribute being Unique, it is something ultimate. Being the father of Fariq Zakir Naik is not ultimate - Its Unique - Its not ultimate. But Allah Subhana Wa Taala’s attribute besides being Unique should be Ultimate. You cannot give attributes which are just common - which you and I can also do. Secondly, besides giving Unique attribute, it should not be combined with characteristics which do not belong to Allah Subhana Wa Taala. For example if some one says that ‘Dr. Zakir Naik is the father of Fariq Zakir Naik, who was born on the 10th of July 1994, Jahangir nursing home, in Poona, and is 4 feet tall’. The attribute is correct - I am the father of the person who he said - but I am not 4 feet tall - I am 5 feet 11 inches tall. So if someone says ‘Allah Subhana Wa Taala’ - ‘Almighty God’ is a Creator - but he has got a human form like you and me - one head, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two hands – ‘the Creator’ attribute is correct, but the characteristic of a human form is wrong.So besides the attributes being Unique, it should not be mixed up with false attributes. And the third is that the attribute, - the various attributes that you give to Allah Subhana Wa Taala should point only to one Allah Subhana Wa Taala - not more than that - Because there is Only One (Arabic)...‘Say He is Allah, one and only’.So if someone says that Dr. Zakir Naik is the father of Fariq Zakir Naik, born on the 10th of July 1994 in Jahangir nursing home, Poona - And Abdullah Shaikh is the founder Chairman of IRF Educational Trust, which was established on 6th of November 1992, in Dongri, Mumbai - One attribute is correct of mine - But my attribute is given to another person, who is not me. Abdullah Shaikh and Dr. Zakir Naik aren’t the same. So you cannot say that ‘Khaliq’… ‘the Creator’ is one God, and ‘Ar-Raheem’… ‘the Merciful’ is another God. If someone says that ‘Rain God’ is different…‘Cloud God’ is different, and … ‘Sun God’ is different and – ‘Creator’ is different, and ‘Cherisher’ is different - Its totally wrong. The attributes are correct, but it should point out only to one person and no one else. People may ask me that ‘what is wrong in having more than one God?’ The Polytheists, they may say – ‘Dr. Zakir Naik, what is the harm in having many gods’. If we have many gods, there will be fighting between them, and each one will try to defeat the other, and try and establish his rule. So people may say… ‘see we can divide - One is ‘a god of rain’, one is ‘a god of Sun’, ‘one is a god who created’, ‘one is a god who is a ‘Cherisher’. If we divide in such way, and have multiple gods, that means one god is unable to do the things of the other god. He does not have knowledge of the other god. It means it’s a ‘deficient God’ - Its not an ‘Ultimate God’ - and we don’t have to believe in a ‘deficient god’. We want to believe in a God which is Ultimate - The Supreme! No wonder you find in the mythology, of certain religions - gods fighting among themselves. And one god killing the other god, and one god taking the help of the other god to defeat the third god - This is found in the mythology. The Holy Qu’ran gives the answer, in Surah Al-Ambiya, Chapter 21, Verse. No. 22, that - it says that … ‘if there were more gods besides Allah, there would surely be confusion’. And we know that there is no confusion in the universe - The universe is running harmonously. Its further mentioned in Surah Muminun, Chapter 23, Verse no. 91 that… ‘Allah Subhana Wa Taala’ does not have any sons, neither does He have any partners. If there were many Gods besides Allah, each God would have taken what they created, and would have a hoarded over the other. So surely there has to be only one true God. If you analyze, all the religions which speak about ‘Concept of God’ - all of them ultimately believe in ‘Monotheism’ - That is they believe in one God. Any religion which believes in the concept of God, - ultimately that religion believes only in one God - At a higher level. At the lower level there may be other Gods but at the higher level it finally believes in one God only. If you analyze the Scriptures of Almighty God - they spoke about the true concept of Almighty God. But later on - the Scriptures, they got manipulated - they got interpolated - they got corrupted. Why? - By people - for their own requirements - to fulfill their own material desires. And later on, you have a religion which has been changed from Monotheism to Polytheism, or Pantheism. The Holy Qu’ran says in Surah Baqrah, Chapter. No. 2, Verse. No. 79 (Arabic)… ‘Woe to those who write the book with their own hands’. (Arabic)… ‘Woe to those who write book with their own hands and then say this is from Allah to traffic with it for a miserable price. Woe to those for what their hands do write and woe to those for what they earn’. The Holy Qur’an says that people have changed the Scripture of Almighty God for their own material desire - Woe to such people and woe to what they earn. There are certain Religions like ‘Buddhism’, Confusiusnisn’, we have ‘Taoism’, which do not comment on God. Neither do they confirm, nor deny the existence of Almighty God - Its called as an ‘Agnostic’ Religion. We have other religions like ‘Jainism’, which are Atheistic - They deny the existence of Almighty God. Regarding, how to prove to the Athiest, or the Agnostic, the existence of Allah Subhana Wa Taala, you can refer to my Video cassette, “Is the Qu’ran God’s word” part I and II. This talk was given about two years ago in the same auditorium. Two years ago, in the same auditorium -Birla Mathushree - Where I have proved here, to an Atheist, to an Agnostic, to a Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, whether he be a scientist - to all these people - with reason, logic and science, on the basis of the Holy Qu’ran, the existence of Allah Subhana Wa Taala. So all those who want to know, how to prove to an Atheist or an Agnostic the existence of Allah Subhana Wa Taala, you can refer to my Video cassette. I think it is available in the foyer outside - Its available for sale outside - Part I and Part II. In Islam, we believe in ‘Tawheed’. Tawheed does not merely mean Monotheism, or merely meaning ‘Believing in one God’ - It has much more to it. ‘Tawheed’ means ‘Unification’ - Asserting Oneness. And its derived from the Arabic verb ‘Vahadah’ - which means to Unite, ‘to unify’. ‘to consolidate’ and there are three categories in ‘Tawheed’. The first is ‘Tawheed-Ar-Rububiya’. Its derived from the verb – ‘Rabb’, which means Lord, Cherisher, Sustainer - It means maintaining the unity of Lordship. And the basic concept here is, that Allah Subhana Wa Taala is the Person, Who created all the things which exist. He is not dependant on anything or any person, but all things and persons are dependant on Him. He is Absolute, whereas all the other thing -they are relative, and they are temporary and they are conditional. The second category is ‘Tawheed-al-Asma-Was-Sifaat’, Which means maintaining the unity of Allah Subhana Wa Taala’s Names and Attributes’ - And there are basically five points in this category. The first is, ‘Allah should be referred to according to what Allah and His Messenger described Him’. Second is, ‘Allah should be referred to as He has referred to Himself’. No one can call Allah Subhana Wa Taala, as ‘Al-Ghadir’ – ‘the Angry One’. The Qu’ran says that He gets angry - but that’s a quality which you cannot say ‘The angry One’. Because Allah and His messenger didn’t give that Attribute to Allah Subhana Wa Taala. The third is – ‘You cannot give human qualities to Allah Subhana Wa Taala’. Like some Scripture says that God Almighty after creating the universe, He has rested - He was tired. Some scriptures say that he repented. See, repenting, getting tired, are acts which human beings require - Not Allah Subhana Wa Taala. And the criteria for this category is, from Surah Ashuara, Ch. 42, V. No. 11 which says… (Arabic)... That…‘there is nothing whatever like Him - There is nothing whatever like Him’. And the verse continues, ‘He is the Seer and Hearer of all things’. But this Seeing and Hearing cannot be compared with what we human beings see and hear - because for us to hear, we require sound waves - we require a ear apparatus. God Almighty does not require all these things - So Allah Subhana Wa Taala Sees and Hears in a different way, as compared to what we human beings see and hear. The fourth point : is that Allah Subhana Wa Taala’s attribute cannot be given to any of His creatures. Like you can’t call a human being – ‘Without a beginning and without an end’. A person who will not die - he’s eternal. You can’t give this attribute to any human being or any of the creation of Allah Subhana Wa Taala. And the last point is : ‘You cannot give the name of Allah Subhana Wa Taala to any of his creatures, without prefixing – ‘Abd’. Certain indefinite forms like ‘Rauf’, ‘Raheem’ can be given, but the definite form, ultimate, without prefixing ‘Abd’- You cannot give like, ‘AbdurRehmaan’,‘Abdur Raheem’. ‘Abd’ means slave - Slave of Rehman, Ar-Rahmaan, Slave of Ar-Raheem, Abdullah, slave of Allah. Neither can you give this ‘Abd’ to anyone besides Allah Subhana Wa Taala. You cannot say ‘Abdur-Rasool’ – ‘the slave of the messenger’. You cannot say ‘Abdul-Nabi’ – ‘the slave of the Prophet’. The third category of Tawheed, is ‘Tawheed – Al – Ibada’. The ‘Ibada’ has been derived from the Arabic word ‘Abd’. which means slave, servant. ‘Ibada’ means to ‘worship’. But many people have the misconception that ‘worship’ merely means ‘offering prayers’. Hah… prayer is one of the high form of worship, but that’s not the only form of worship. As I said, “Ibada” is derived from ‘Abd’ meaning ‘slave’, ‘servitude’. So worship means any commandment you follow of Allah Subhana Wa Taala you are doing worship. Anything which you do not do what Allah has asked you not to do - that is ‘Ibada’. So ‘Ibada’ is not merely prayers - it has much more to it - Obeying the commandments of Allah Subhana Wa Taala is ‘Ibada’. Without following the third category of ‘Tawheed-al-Ibada’, which is maintaining the ‘Unity of Worship’ - following the first two categories only, is useless. Because the Holy Quran says that there were pagans… Arabs at the time of the Prophet, who believed in the first two categories - That is ‘Tawheed-al-Ruboobiyah’ and ‘Tawheed-al-Asma-was-Sifat’, But not in the third category. And they were referred as ‘Mushriks’ and ‘Kafirs’- idolators and rejecters of faith. The Holy Qu’ran says in Surah Yunus Chapter No. 10, Verse. no. 31, ‘Say who is He that sustains life to you in the sky and the earth, or Who is it that Hears and Sees all things? And Who is it that gives life to things that are dead and gives death to things which are alive? Who is it that regulates and controls the affairs? - Soon they will say, it is Allah. So why don’t you have piety towards Him? - Why don’t you worship Him? A similar message is given in Surah Zukhruff, Chapter 43, Verse. No. 87, ‘That when you ask them, who has created them, they will say, ‘Allah’ - But they are far deluded from the truth. So the pagan Arabs at the time of the Prophet - even they had a concept of One Supreme Almighty God, which they called as ‘Allah’. But along with it they even had about 360 idols, which they worshipped. So if you worship anyone besides Allah Subhana Wa Talla, then you are not following the third category of ‘Taweed-al-Ibada’. And whether the first, second, or third category of ‘Tawhhed’ is missed by anyone, or if there is any deficiency in fulfilling any point of any of the three categories, it is called as ‘Shirk’.‘Shirk’ means ‘associating partners’ - It means ‘Sharing’ - and in Islamic terms it means, ‘Associating partners with Allah Subhana Wa Taala’. The biggest sin which is mentioned in the Holy Qu’ran in ‘Shirk’ - Associating partners with Allah Subhana Wa Taala. It does not only mean that you worship some other god - but ‘Shirk’ - that is not fulfilling any of the three categories of ‘Tawheed’, leads to ‘Shirk’. And the Holy Qu’ran says in Surah Nisa, Chapter No. 4, Verse. no. 48, that ‘Allah Subhana Wa Taala’ will never forgive - associating partners to Him. If He pleases, He may forgive anything else, but the sin of associating partners with Allah - He shall never forgive’. The same message is repeated in Surah Nisa, Chapter. No. 4, Verse no. 116, that ‘those who do the sin of joining gods with Allah… Allah Subhana Wa Taala will never forgive them. Anything else if He pleases He may forgive. But all those who join gods with Allah, they have strayed far away from the truth. Its mentioned in Surah Maidah Chapter 5, Verse No. 72, (Arabic)... That they are doing Kufr - those who say that ‘Allah is Christ the son of Mary’. (Arabic)...but said Christ…(Arabic)...Oh! Children of Israel…(Arabic)… Worship Allah…(Arabic)...Who is my Lord and your Lord. (Arabic)... Anyone who associates partners with Allah…(Arabic)... Allah will make Jannat haram for them…(Arabic)... and fire shall be his dwelling place, and he shall have no helper in the hereafter. The Holy Qu’ran Says that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, said - (Arabic)... anyone who associates partners with Allah…(Arabic)... Allah will make Jannat Harram for him…(Arabic)... and fire shall be his dwelling place, and he shall have no helper in the hereafter’. In Surah Al-Imran Chapter 3, Verse. 64, which says (Arabic)... ‘that come to common terms as between us and you’. Which is the first term - (Arabic)...that we worship none but Allah’. It doesn’t say, ‘we believe in One and Only Allah’ - believing is not sufficient. It says (Arabic)... ‘that we worship none but Allah’. (Arabic)... ‘that we associate no partners with Him’. So only believing in ‘One God’ is not sufficient - You should even only worship Him - And no one else, and associate no partners with Him. The Holy Qu’ran says in Surah Anam, Chapter 6, Verse. No. 108, ‘Revile not ye those whom they worship besides Allah - best out of spite, they revile Allah Subhana Wa Taala in their ignorance’. The Holy Qu’ran says in Surah Luqman, Chapter 31, Verse. No. 27, that ‘If all the trees on the earth were made into pens, and the ocean into ink, and the ‘Seven oceans to back it up, yet the words of Allah Subahana Wa Taala will not be exhausted in writing - Because ‘He is All powerful’, ‘Full of wisdom’.



First, we will discuss about the concept of God, in Judaism. It is mentioned in the Old Testament - Moses (pbuh) says in the book of Deuteronomy, Ch. No. 6, V.No. 4, ‘Shama Israelo Adna ilahaina adna ikat’. It is a Hebrew quotation which means… ‘Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, is one Lord’. That means… ‘God is One and Only’. It is further mentioned in the book of Isaiah Ch.No.43, V.No.11…‘I, even I, am Lord and besides Me there is no Savior’. In the book Isaiah, Ch.No. 45, V.No.5…‘I am Lord, and there is none else, and I am God, besides Me, who there is no one. In the book of Isaiah, Ch.No. 46, V.No 9, it says…‘I am Lord, and there is none else - I am God, and there is nothing like Me’. It is further mentioned in the Book ‘Exodus’, Ch. No.20, V.No.3 to 5. It says that… God Almighty says in the scriptures - ‘Thou shall have no other Gods besides Me’. Thou shall make unto thee no graven image of any likeness, of anything that is in the heavens above, that is in the earth beneath, and that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I the Lord, the God, is a jealous God.’ Same message is repeated in the book of Deuteronomy, Ch.No. 5, V.No.7 to 9, that…‘Thou shall have no other gods besides Me. Thou shall not make thee any graven image, of any likeness, of anything that is the heavens above, that is in the earth beneath, and in the water beneath the earth. Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them for I the Lord, the God am a jealous God’. So if you read the Old Testament, you will understand the concept of God in Judaism - it believes only in one God, and is totally against idol worship.



Let us discuss the concept of God in Sikhism. Sikhism is a Non Semetic, Aryan Non Vedic Religion. Though it has a small following, as compared to the other major Religions, it is an offshoot of Hinduism. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak Sahib, at the end of the 15th century, and it originated from the area of Pakistan and North West India, that is Punjab, the land of the five rivers. And this religion which was founded by Guru Nanak Sahib - it is a Religion of 10 gurus. The first one who founded the Religion, is Guru Nanak Sahib, and the last and the 10th one is Guru Govind Sahib. Guru Nanak Sahib was born in a ‘Shatriya’ warrior caste family, but he was very much influenced by the Muslims. ‘Sikh’ is derived from the word ‘Sisya’ which means a ‘disciple’ or ‘follower’, and the sacred book of the ‘Sikhs’, is Sri Guru Granth Sahib - this is a book ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib’. And the Sikh has to maintain his five ‘Ks’ . The first ‘K’ is the ‘Kash’, the uncut hair which all the gurus kept, the second is the ‘Kanga’, the comb which is used to keep the hair clean, the third is the ‘Kadha’, the metal or the steel bangel used for strength and for self restrain, the fourth is the ‘Kripan’, the dagger which is used for self defence, and the fifth is the ‘Kacha’ the long under wear till knee length, or under dross which is used for agility - These 5 ‘Ks’ also help in identifying any Sikh. The best definition that any Sikh can give regarding the concept of Almighty God in Sikhism, is quote the ‘Mul Mantra’ - the fundamental creed of Sikhism, which occurs in the beginning of Shri Guru Granth Sahib…at the beginning, i.e. of Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Volume No.1, Ch. No.1,Verse No.1. It is also called as ‘Japoji Mulmatra’ - It says that… ‘Only one God exists’. And He is called by ‘Dadru’, - the ‘Creator’, ‘the One free from fear and hatred’, ‘the Immortal, ‘Not begotten’, ‘Self-Existing’ ‘Great and Compassionate’. Sikhism strictly believes in Monotheism. And Almighty God, in the unmanifest form is called as ‘Ek Omkara’ and in the manifest form, He is called as ‘Ek Omkara’. And Guru Granth Sahib, he gave various attributes to this manifest form of Almighty God, ‘Omkara’ - and called it also as ‘Kartar’… the Creator, ‘Akal’… the Eternal, ‘Satyanama’… the Holy One, ‘Sahib’… the Lord, ‘Parvadigar’…‘Cherisher’, ‘Rahim’… the Merciful, ‘Karim’…‘the Benevolent’, and he also called Him as ‘Wahe Guru’… ‘One true Lord, one true God’. Sikhism besides believing in Monotheism, it is also against ‘Avtarvada’- the concept of incarnation of God. They are against that God can take human forms… can incarnate - and they are also against idol worship. Guru Nanak, was very much influenced by Sant Kabir - No wonder, if you read the ‘Guru Granth Sahib’, several chapters contain many couplets… ‘Do has’ of Sant Kabir. And one the most famous ‘Dohas’ of Sant Kabir is…‘Dukh mein sumren sab kare, Sukh mein kare na koi. Jo sukh mein sumren kare, to dukh kahe hoi’. ‘Everyone remembers God during trouble - no one remembers Him during peace and happiness. The one who remembers him during peace and happiness, why will he have trouble?’ A similar message is given in the Holy Qur’an, in a Surah Ar Zumar, Ch. 39, Verse No. 8…‘that Man, when trouble touches him, he cries out to the Lord and repents to Him, and when the Lord bestows him from His mercy, the man forgets that he had prayed and cried - and he associates rivals to Allah Subhana


Type Of Religions

The Major Religions of the world can be broadly classified as : Semetic Religions and Non Semetic Religions. The Non Semetic Religions are further divided into Aryan and the Non Aryan Religions. The Semetic Religions are those Religions that are followed by the Semites. Who are the Semites? The Semites are the descendents of ‘Shem’, who was the son of Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) which is mentioned in the Bible, in the book Genesis, Ch. No. 5 and Ch.No. 11. So Semetic Religions are those Religions, that are followed by the Jews, by the Arabs, by the Asyrians by the Ponysians - who speak Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Acadians, Ponysians, etc. The major amongst the Semetic Religions are, Judaism, Christianity and Islam - all of which are Prophetic Religions. The Non Sematic Religions are further divided into Aryan and Non-Aryan Religions. The Aryan Religions, are the Religions followed by the Aryans - a group of Indo-European speaking community, which spread in Iran and Northern India, in the 1st half of the 2nd millenium B.C, that is 2000 to 1500 B.C. The Aryan Religion is further divided into Vedic and Non - Vedic Religion. The Vedic religion is ‘Brahaminism’ which has been given the misnomer of Hindusium. The Non-Vedic Religions, are Sikhism, Buddism, Jainism, etc. Amongst the Non-Aryan Religions, we have those of the Chinese origin like ‘Taoism’, ‘Confusism’, etc - those of the Japanese origin, like ‘Shintuism’, etc. But most of these Religions, they do not have a concept of God. Therefore they are preferably called as ethical systems, instead of Religions. As far as my talk today will be concerned, I will be speaking about the Concept of God in Major Religions, of ‘Semetic’ and ‘Aryan’ origin.

To understand the concept of God, the best and the most accurate way is to analyze their Religious Scriptures, and understand what it has to speak about God. Trying to analyze the concept of God, by looking at the followers is not always correct, because most of the followers they themselves do not know what their Scripture speaks about God. So let us, analyze today, the concept of God in Major Religions by analyzing their Religious Scriptures.



Let us discuss the concept of God, in ‘Zorastarnism’. ‘Zorastarnism’ is a Non Semetic, Aryan Non-Vedic Religion, which is not associated with Hinduism, and it is a ‘Prophetic’ Religion. Zorastrianism is also called as ‘Parisism’, and it was founded by Prophet Zoraster. It is an ancient religion of Persia about 2 1/2 thousand years old, and their Sacred Scriptures are, the ‘Dasatir’ and ‘Awesta’. The ‘Dasatir’ can be further divided into ‘Khurdadasateer’ or ‘Kalan Dasater’. And the ‘Awasta’ can be further divided into the ‘Kurdha Awasta’ or ‘Kalan Awesta’ - The Maha Avesta or the ‘Zendth Awasta’. This is a copy of the ‘Awasta’ - One of the volumes of ‘Avasta’ and there are various other translations of the ‘Awasta’ present in Islamic Research Foundation. The Zorastrians… the Parsis, they call Almighty God as ‘Ahora Mazda’. ‘Ahora’ means ‘the Lord’ … ‘God’, ‘Mazda’ means ‘Wise’. ‘Ahora Mazda’ means ‘the Wise Lord’ or ‘the Wise God’, and He has been given several attributes and names in the ‘Dasatir’. For example, - ‘He is the only One, He has no beginning, no origin, and no end - He has no father, no mother, no wife, no son. He has got no image - He is beyond imagination. There is nothing like Him - No vision can see Him. He is beyond comprehension. He is closer to you than yourself’. There are also other attributes given to Almighty God, in the ‘Awastha’. The other Sacred Scripture of the Parsis. It is mentioned in the ‘Awastha’, in the ‘Kathas’, and the ‘Yasnas’, He is called as the Creator, in Yasna, Ch. No.31, Verse No.7 and 11, and also in other places in Yasna, Ch. No. 44, Verse No.7, Ch. No. 50, Verse No.11, Ch.No. 51, Verse No.7. In several places He is called as the ‘Creator’. He is also referred as ‘the Mightiest’, ‘the Greatest’. In Yasna Ch. No. 33, Verse No.11, as well as in Ch.No. 45, Verse No.6, He is referred to as the ‘Beneficent’. In the Yasna Ch. No. 33, Verse No.11, as well as in Yasna, Ch.No.48, Verse No.3, He is referred to as the ‘Bountiest’. No less than seven times only, in Yasna Ch. No. 43, Verse 4,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. He is also referred as the ‘Bountiest’. In other places of Yasna, Ch. No.44, Verse.No.2, Ch. No. 45, Verse No.5, Ch. No. 46, Verse 9, as well as Ch. No. 48, Verse No.3, He is referred to as the ‘Bontiest’ several times. So if you read the Scriptures of the Parsis, you will understand the correct concept of Almighty God in Parsism… in Zorastarism.


Al-Qur'an (Translation)

S. No.TitleListenDownload
001Surah Al-FatehahClick HereClick Here
002Surah Al- baqara 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al- baqara 02Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al- baqara 03Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al- baqara 04Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al- baqara 05Click HereClick Here
003Surah Al-Imran 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Imran 02Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Imran 03Click HereClick Here
004Surah Al-Nisa 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Nisa 02Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Nisa 03Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Nisa 04Click HereClick Here
005Surah Al-Maida 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Maida 02Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Maida 03Click HereClick Here
006Surah Al-An'am 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-An'am 02Click HereClick Here
007Surah Al-Araf 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Araf 02Click HereClick Here
008Surah Al-Anfal 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Anfal 02Click HereClick Here
009Surah Al-Touba 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Touba 02Click HereClick Here
010Surah Al-YounusClick HereClick Here
011Surah Al-Hood 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Al-Hood 02Click HereClick Here
012Surah Yousuf 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Yousuf 02Click HereClick Here
013Surah Ra'adClick HereClick Here
014Surah IbrahimClick HereClick Here
015Surah HijrClick HereClick Here
016Surah NahlClick HereClick Here
017Surah Bani'IsrailClick HereClick Here
018Surah Kahaf 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Kahaf 02Click HereClick Here
019Surah MaryamClick HereClick Here
020Surah TahaClick HereClick Here
021Surah AmbyaClick HereClick Here
022Surah HajjClick HereClick Here
023Surah MominoonClick HereClick Here
024Surah NoorClick HereClick Here
025Surah Furqan 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Furqan 02Click HereClick Here
 Surah Furqan 03Click HereClick Here
026Surah Shu'araClick HereClick Here
027Surah Naml 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Naml 02Click HereClick Here
028Surah QasasClick HereClick Here
029Surah Ankaboot 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Ankaboot 02Click HereClick Here
030Surah RoomClick HereClick Here
031Surah LuqmanClick HereClick Here
032Surah SajdahClick HereClick Here
033Surah Ahzab 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Ahzab 02Click HereClick Here
034Surah SabaClick HereClick Here
035Surah FatirClick HereClick Here
036Surah Yaseen 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Yaseen 02Click HereClick Here
037Surah As-safatClick HereClick Here
038Surah SaadClick HereClick Here
039Surah Zumar 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Zumar 02Click HereClick Here
040Surah MoaminClick HereClick Here
041Surah HaMeem 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah HaMeem 02Click HereClick Here
042Surah ShuraClick HereClick Here
043Surah ZukhrufClick HereClick Here
044Surah DukkhanClick HereClick Here
045Surah JasiyaClick HereClick Here
046Surah AhqafClick HereClick Here
047Surah MohammadClick HereClick Here
048Surah FathClick HereClick Here
049Surah HujuratClick HereClick Here
050Surah QaafClick HereClick Here
051Surah Zurriyat 01Click HereClick Here
 Surah Zurriyat 02Click HereClick Here
052Surah ToorClick HereClick Here
053Surah NajmClick HereClick Here
054Surah QamarClick HereClick Here
055Surah RehmanClick HereClick Here
056Surah Waqi'aClick HereClick Here
057Surah HadeedClick HereClick Here
058Surah MujadilahClick HereClick Here
059Surah Al-HashrClick HereClick Here
060Surah Al-MumtahinahClick HereClick Here
061Surah Al-SaffClick HereClick Here
062Surah Al-Jumu'aClick HereClick Here
063Surah Al-MunafiqunClick HereClick Here
064Surah Al-TaghabunClick HereClick Here
065Surah Al-TalaqClick HereClick Here
066Surah Al-TahrimClick HereClick Here
067Surah Al-MulkClick HereClick Here
068Surah Al-QalamClick HereClick Here
069Surah Al-HaaqqahClick HereClick Here
071Surah NoohClick HereClick Here
072Surah Al-JinnClick HereClick Here
073Surah Al-MuzammilClick HereClick Here
074Surah Al-MuddassirClick HereClick Here
075Surah Al-QiyamahClick HereClick Here
076Surah Al-dahrClick HereClick Here
077Surah Al-MursalatClick HereClick Here
078Surah Al-NabaClick HereClick Here
079Surah Al-Nazi'aatClick HereClick Here
080Surah AbasaClick HereClick Here
081Surah At-TakwirClick HereClick Here
082Surah Al-InfitarClick HereClick Here
083Surah Al-TatfeefClick HereClick Here
084Surah Al-InshiqaqClick HereClick Here
085Surah Al-BuroojClick HereClick Here
086Surah Al-TariqClick HereClick Here
088Surah Al-GhashiyahClick HereClick Here
089Surah Al-FajrClick HereClick Here
090Surah Al-BaladClick HereClick Here
091Surah Al-ShamsClick HereClick Here
092Surah Al-LailClick HereClick Here
093Surah Al-DohaClick HereClick Here
094Surah Al-InshirahClick HereClick Here
095Surah Al-TeenClick HereClick Here
096Surah Al-AlaqClick HereClick Here
097Surah Al-QadrClick HereClick Here
098Surah Al-BayyinahClick HereClick Here
099Surah Al-ZilzalClick HereClick Here
100Surah Al-AdiyatClick HereClick Here
101Surah Al-QariahClick HereClick Here
102Surah Al-TakasurClick HereClick Here
103Surah Al-AsrClick HereClick Here
104Surah Al-HamazahClick HereClick Here
105Surah Al-FeelClick HereClick Here
106Surah Al-QuraishClick HereClick Here
107Surah Al-Ma'oonClick HereClick Here
108Surah Al-KausarClick HereClick Here
109Surah Al-KafiroonClick HereClick Here
110Surah Al-NasrClick HereClick Here
111Surah Al-LahabClick HereClick Here
112Surah Al-IkhlasClick HereClick Here
113Surah 113-Al-FalaqClick HereClick Here
114Surah Al-NasClick HereClick Here
   Courtesy: Nafs-e-Islam